HIWI drawing workshop. (crested in Februari 2021)

Everyone has come here on earth with a mysterious purpose in life. Often people do not realize this.

It doesn't matter who or what you are or what position you will be in.

There is a goal for everyone.

According to the principle of the Bando foundation, people never express themselves with words alone,

but often in a combination of



and movement.

You will find researchers in these areas in 4 different art forms.

Separately, all four of them face a mystery.

When I first came to Dipolog here in 2006, I learned about the mystery of human life here.

I founded the Bando foundation together with my wife Hannah and several interested people from Dipolog and the Netherlands.

One of the interested man was Eddy of the Good Times. 

Program workshop HIWI drawing 2021

Program workshop HIWI drawing


I pick from 2 puppets named Piet & camel dog

I briefly explain why I like to use movable illustrations with music on the street in the Netherlands.

(people have often become estranged from their own movement in a natural way and are very embarrassed.
A movable doll can be a good illustration for people as a movable example.
Any spontaneous rhythm accompaniment is fine.

(Goal is: to let go and experience inner pleasure)


Hans is looking for a pair of players to make the 2 dolls dance.


The HIWI workshop starts and all participants receive a whiteboard or a sheet of white paper with marker or pencil


Explanation: A HIWI drawing is actually a story drawing.
You will soon get a word from me and you will tell your own unique story about it under my guidance.
I will pass the words out later and explain the following:
You first start by dividing the word full screen in block letters on your white area. (note: make the block letters closed!)


I hand out different cards with different words, these become the subjects for different unique stories. Now I give you the freedom to draw little drawings and first impulse words around the word. (You have half an hour for this. If necessary, add a spare paper.) Even you can think about the colors of your wish.


The latest part is the final presentation to eachother. Eventually the creator of the HIWI drawing can use others in his presentation for his illustration. 

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