Op: 12-12-2024
331 bezoekers sinds 5 okt 2014
494 pageviews sinds 5 Oct 2014
Origin of the Bando Foundation
The Bando Foundation was founded in 2006. The Bando Foundation has a remarkable history. In 2003, the founder had an important question: "WHAT IS REAL LOVE?" He found this out after he wanted to publish a very special newspaper about "THE HART" together with other Europeans. This became "De Hartenkrant" and was about the hearts of all different Europeans. He then brought this very special newspaper to two special people he had once met in the Netherlands. They both unconsciously referred to the special stories of "Real Love". This is how the special Bando foundation was born, a foundation that could even have taken its founder to the other side of the world. (the Philippines)
About man on earth
Wherever you live?
wherever you go?
people are together
to find a band together
But how could we find this band?
We don't have to look for a band.
It just happens because we are human!
We are people who can recognize each other
Recognize like a mirror
It just happens because we are all human.
We can recognize each other in what we want to be,
or what we just don't want to be!
We may discover that we are actually mirrors of each other.
Bond of Real Love
It is of the utmost importance that we understand this and learn it
so to respect the bond of true love.
We can have real love only through our free will
- So we must always experience real love ourselves
This is the same for everyone - You can really learn to understand it very well, And to respect
- and if there is a shortage, you can simply top up yourself.
you are on earth as a vessel to receive Real Love
It doesn't matter where in the world we are
But now a little more about the Bando foundation.
The Bando Foundation is a very special foundation that focuses on research in communication and focuses mainly on the REAL LOVE!
And why is it so important to actually talk about what can really make you move inside?
How do we do this research?
We see by believing in that which is REAL LOVE will actually be able to stand for.
And that is never temporary or only for a short while.
For this it is necessary that we look at our talents and how we can use them as effectively as possible.
This morning I happened to read about a well-known story in which 3 servants had been commissioned to show their talents.
The first 2 understood it, but the 3rd was mainly afraid and therefore did not understand it. Actually it is a beautiful example story or call it a parable. (see: Matthew 25:24-30)
The Bando Foundation would like to support you with your personal story
and we do this by letting you experience different forms of communication.
Request a conversation
and leave a story drawing, for example
(HIWI-DRAWING) of yourself.
Would you like to contribute the policy of Bando Foundation?
You are very welcome!
Register by Hans de Groot:
or +31642233166
Coincidence does not exist!
Only when we understand that coincidence does not exist will we be able to be open to Real Love and listen to the inexplicable Real Love that can be present in us in absolutely everything we do.
So wath can I do for you?
How can I really help you?
I can change your usual way of communicating and give you more insight.
I can help you create your own story using the hiwi drawing method.
I can show you what a photo can do after my unique editing of it.
I can let you hear a story of sound and music and let you experience how important the expression of this will be.
I can give you a complete picture of a potentially beautiful story on a small A4 format.
Professor Albert Mehrabian (1939), could have already demonstrated this in 1972 with a study about communication. He became familiar with his finding: 7% with word, 38 with sound and 55% with body language conclusion.
95% of our behavior is unconscious
Professor: Willem Frederik (Fred) van Raaij (1944)
Source: Tilburg University
We are not sent by free will, but largely by unconscious processes. We think that we consciously judge, compare and choose, but that is an illusion. This is what professor of economic psychology at the University of Tilburg, Fred van Raaij, says.
TS Social and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Social Psychology
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